Sunday, 29 September 2013


Subject: - BIOLOGY                                                                                                         Class – XI
Time: 3Hours                                                                                                              Max Marks:-70
1.    All questions are compulsory.
2.    This question paper consists of four sections A,B,C and D. Section A contains 8 questions of 1mark each. Answer them in one word or one sentence. Section B has 10 questions of 2 marks each. Answer them in 30-40 words each. Section C has 9 questions of 3 marks each. Answer them in 40-50 words each. Section D has 3 questions of 5 marks each. Answer them in 80-120 words each.
3.    There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been given in 1 question of 2 marks, one question of three marks, and all the 3 questions of 5 marks weightage. Attempt only one of the choices in such questions.
4.    Wherever necessary, the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labeled.

Section A
1. What are plasmodesmata?                                                                                                                   
2. Name the alkaloid that inhibits cell division during metaphase stage.                            
3. Name the excretory organ of prawn.
4. Who proposed the fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane?
5. Expand PPLO                                                                                                                                 
 6. What is Go phase?
7. Lipids are not biomacromolecules why?
8. Which enzyme is found on the elementary particles?
Section B
9. What is enzymatic competitive inhibition? Give one example?
10. Enumerate the significance of mitosis?
11. What are the main functions of cell wall?
12. Terrestrial animals are generally either ureotelic or uricotelic, not ammonotelic. Why?
Describe the blood vessels called vasa rectae found in relation to uriniferous tubules. What is their function?
13. Why can a red muscle fibre work for a prolonged period, while a white muscle fibre suffers from fatigue soon?
14. How are the two heart sounds produced during cardiac cycle? Which one of these is of longer duration?
15. How is respiration regulated?                                                                                                     16. What is the role of micelles in the fat absorption?
17. Give role of intercoastal  muscles in respiration.
18. Why are monosaccharide’s sugars are known as reducing sugars?

Section C
19. Write six differences between mitosis & meiosis?
20. Describe the structure of a typical eukaryotic chloroplast.
21. Describe the renal excretory system of man
22. Name three enzymes secreted by pancreas specify the substance and the product of each.
Draw a labeled diagram of human alimentary canal & describe its different parts                     23. Explain sliding filament theory of muscle contraction.
24. Explain double circulation with the help of diagram.
25. Differentiate between three types of muscular tissue present in our body.
26. What is the role of carbonic anhydrase? Show by series of reactions how carbonic anhydrase starts the reactions leading to the formation of carbonic acid?
27. Differentiate between arteries and veins.
Section D
28. Name the five types of leucocytes and mention one function of each of them.
Describe in detail how carbondioxide formed in an active tissue is transported to lungs.
29. Describe any five types of proteins with an example for each.
Show diagrammatically the events in prophase -1and explain these stages.

30.i) Describe the structure of human heart.
ii) Draw a standard ECG and explain the different segments in it.
a) How do liver and skin act as accessory excretory organs? Explain
b) Draw the diagram of a nephron and label its parts.


Wednesday, 14 August 2013


Beyond tricolor

There was a debate in the media that India is a banana republic.If after so many years we are not capable to create a transparent system ,justice is delayed,honest officers are victimized by politicians then this debate has its significance.Every year to salute the tricolor and then sit quietly if this  the only way to celebrate independence day then i think we should stop this tradition.If all the politicians can live like an ordinary man for 24 hours then  they can understand the problems of common man.Democracy is good only for those countries where people are literate and mature.In India one bottle of ethyl alcohol and 100 Rs note is more then enough to change the mind of voter.Under these circumstances we have to think actively about voting system.Reservation for backward classes or uniform schooling for all sections of society out of these two options time has come to choose one, otherwise this country will burn in this tug of war between general and backward classes.lets improve the quality of this republic by choosing right candidates in the coming elections. 

Wednesday, 7 August 2013



 Memories are not faded with the mist
The melancholic easeful feelings
are intensified by the lamps and lights of love.
Emptiness is casting my days and nights.
The void is purified by the chastity of my tears and touch.
Life is fragile but my transient names and recognition cranes for appreciation,
Adieu Adieu but the farewell song sings
The strain of praise of the pole star
The guiding star,the brightness and the most allured among all who are blinking in the ether.
Memory lanes meet so many faces
But your glowing,innocent visage enlivens me with my life force.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013



1. What is meiocyte?
2. In which phase of the interphase, the DNA contents of the cell become double?
3. What are dictyosomes?
4. What does Omnis cellula-e-cellula means?
5. Which polysaccharide constitutes the cell wall in fungi?

6. Who proposed the cell theory? List its postulates.

7. Draw a neat and labeled diagram of plastid.

8. What is synaptonemal complex? Give its significance.

9. Describe the ultra structure of nucleus. Give its two functions.

10. Compare a plant cell and an animal cell.

11. Why plasma membrane is called semi permeable membrane? Give its significance.


12. i) Describe the following-
a) Synapsis

b) Bivalent

c) Chiasmata
Draw a diagram to illustrate your answer. 
ii) Discuss prophase-1 of meiosis -1 with the help of well labeled sketches.


1.         What is gene pool?
2.         Name the scientist whose work influenced Darwin.
3.         Who disproved the theory of spontaneous generation?
4.         What is modern Biotechnology?
5.         What is meant by elution?
6.         What is a palindrome in a DNA? Give an example.
7.         Explain the origin of universe. How old is the universe?
8.         What are two core technologies that enabled the birth of modern biotechnology?
9.         State the principle underlying gel electrophoresis and mention two applications of this technique in Biotechnology.
10.     Draw a diagram of the experimental set up used by Miller and Urey in their experiment to prove chemical origin of life and also explain the experiment.
11.     What are restriction enzymes? Name and define their two types.
12.     a) Trace out the various components of human evolution.
b) Differentiate between convergent and divergent evolution.

1.         Why are erythrocytes able to carry out anaerobic metabolism only?
2.         Which disease is caused on inhaling excessive cigarette smoke?
3.         Write the chemical reaction catalysed by zinc-enzyme, carbonic anhydrase
4.         What are chylomicrons?
5.         Name the bile pigments.
6.         How are following enzymes activated in the alimentary canal-
a) Pepsin
b) Renin
c) Trypsin
d) Chemotrypsin
7.         Write a short note on occupational lung disease?
8.         What is tidal volume? Find out the tidal volume for a healthy human.
9.         Describe the histological structure of alimentary canal.
10.     State the role of pancreatic juice in the digestion of proteins
11.     How is oxygen transported in the blood and released in the tissue?
12.     a) Describe briefly the disorders of digestive system

b) What would happen if HCL were not secreted in the stomach?

Thursday, 25 July 2013


1.Flux and re flux-There was a great flux and re flux in the seminar.2.Give and take-Its always give and take in life.3.Fee-faw-fum-Pakistan is making fee-faw-fum against India.4.Fair and square-Let all our actions be fair and square.5.See eye to eye-he didn't see eye to eye with me on many issues.6.Really and truly-Really and truly i will do your work.7.Haves and haves not-There is always a conflict between haves and haves not.

Really and truly Science Exhibition was a great  success.
Art Exhibition 2012
Science Exhibition 2012

View of Almora India

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Stem cell for curing blindness

क्या मिलेगा अंधेपन से छुटकारा? 

फोटोरिसेप्टर रेटिना में उपस्थित वे कोशिकाएँ है जो हमारे देखने की क्षमता को प्रभावित करती हैं
जैव प्रौद्योगिकी पर किए गये एक शोध से पता चला है कि आँख का वह हिस्सा जो रोशनी को पकड़ता है, उसे अब स्टेम कोशिकाओं के ज़रिए ठीक किया जा सकेगा.
मूरफील्ड क्लिक करेंनेत्र अस्पताल एवं यूनिवर्सिटी कॉलेज, लंदन की टीम के मुताबिक पहली बार सच में इंसानों पर यह परीक्षण किया जा सकता है. विशेषज्ञों ने इसे एक 'महत्वपूर्ण सफलता' और आगे के लिए बड़ा कदम बताया है.

लोगों में फोटोरिसेप्टर कोशिकाओं को जीवित रखने के लिए स्टेम कोशिकाओं के प्रयोग का परीक्षण पहले से हो रहा है. लंदन स्थित टीम ने यह दिखाया कि रोशनी को ढूँढने वाली कोशिकाओं को बदला जा सकता है जिससे अंधेपन को दूर करने की संभावना बढ़ जाती है.फोटोरिसेप्टर रेटिना में उपस्थित वे कोशिकाएँ है जो रोशनी को यांत्रिक तरंगों में परिवर्तित कर मस्तिष्क में भेज देती हैं. हालाँकि ये कोशिकाएँ अंधेपन की कुछ स्थितियों में मर भी सकती हैं जैसे कि किसी गंभीर बीमारी के होने या उम्र के ढलने पर.

चूहों पर परीक्षण

फोटोरिसेप्टर रेटिना में उपस्थित वे कोशिकाएँ है जो हमारे देखने की क्षमता को प्रभावित करती हैं और उन्हे यांत्रिक तरंगों में परिवर्तित कर मस्तिष्क में भेज देती हैं.
उन्होंने बताया कि प्रयोगशाला में रेटिना को बनाने की नई तकनीक का प्रयोग किया है. इसमें हज़ारों स्टेम कोशिकाओं को इकठ्ठा किया गया जिन्हें क्लिक करेंफोटोरिसेप्टरकोशिकाओं से बदल कर एक अंधे चूहे की आँख में इंजेक्ट कर दिया गया.
अध्ययन में यह पता चला है कि इन कोशिकाओं ने पहले से मौजूद कोशिकाओं के साथ जुड़कर आँख में ठीक से कम करना शुरू कर दिया.
हालाँकि इसका असर अभी भी बहुत कम है क्योंकि लगभग दो लाख कोशिकाओं में से सिर्फ़ एक हज़ार कोशिकाओं ने ही वाकई में कम करना शुरू किया था.
मुख्य शोधकर्ता प्रोफेसर रॉबिन अली ने बीबीसी को बताया, ''अब इससे हमें मानवों में प्रयोग करने का तरीका भी मिल गया है. इसलिए हम बहुत ही उत्साहित हैं. पाँच साल से चल रहे इस शोध का चिकित्सीय परीक्षण करना अब हमारा लक्ष्य है.''
आँख का प्रतिरक्षी तंत्र बहुत कमजोर होने से भी इस प्रतिरोपण के खारिज होने के अवसर बहुत कम हैं. हज़ारों स्टेम कोशिकाएँ आँख की दृष्टि को सुधार सकती हैं जबकि इतनी ही संख्या में स्टेम कोशिकाएँ खराब लीवर जैसे बड़े अंग को दोबारा नहीं बना सकती. (Courtesy-BBC)

Monday, 22 July 2013

Teachers training and quality education.

Teachers training and quality education.

Boarding schools play very vital role for grooming the personality of child. But this grooming needs directional approach by teachers, housemasters and parents.

In boarding schools hyperactive children are much more as compared to day schools. The boarding schools of India has very good track record for bringing up many great personalities. Today boarding schools are facing the problems of lack of trained teachers/human resource. In India B.Ed colleges are not giving any precise training to pupil teachers about the working culture of boarding schools. It seems that education department and HRD ministry ignore the role of boarding schools in spreading the education.

Management of day school vs. boarding school, teaching skills, decentralization of powers, role of student council and school captains, emphasis on co-curricular activities in both type of schools are totally different.

 Teacher has to play dual role in boarding schools i.e. teacher as well as guardian. In India the quality of teachers are very poor because of low salary package as compared to other professions. Teaching is last option in front of youth of this country. Without proper training of teachers and not giving adequate salary the standard of education cannot be improved.Govt. along with private sector should come forward to improve the overall standard of education in India and to make India as developed nation in 21th century.
Time has come to rethink about the policy of education in India.Good quality and equal education should be a fundamental right to each citizen of this world.


Teachers training and quality education.

Boarding schools play very vital role for grooming the personality of child. But this grooming needs directional approach by teachers, housemasters and parents.

In boarding schools hyperactive children are much more as compared to day schools. The boarding schools of India has very good track record for bringing up many great personalities. Today boarding schools are facing the problems of lack of trained teachers/human resource. In India B.Ed colleges are not giving any precise training to pupil teachers about the working culture of boarding schools. It seems that education department and HRD ministry ignore the role of boarding schools in spreading the education.

Management of day school vs. boarding school, teaching skills, decentralization of powers, role of student council and school captains, emphasis on co-curricular activities in both type of schools are totally different.

 Teacher has to play dual role in boarding schools i.e. teacher as well as guardian. In India the quality of teachers are very poor because of low salary package as compared to other professions. Teaching is last option in front of youth of this country. Without proper training of teachers and not giving adequate salary the standard of education cannot be improved.Govt. along with private sector should come forward to improve the overall standard of education in India and to make India as developed nation in 21th century.


Sunday, 21 July 2013



5th June every year is celebrated as WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY.Few years back I went to Mussoorie to attend a seminar on rainwater harvesting and environment conservation.Different speakers and officials have given long speeches for the protection of environment and to frame policies for environment conservationAt the end of this seminar snacks were served to us in plastic cups along with Pepsi.In the seminar the told not to use plastic cups but in real life they were using it.One of my student told me -Sir ,is this is the way to conserve the environment?I was speechless in front of the student.Sometimes small questions give us a sort of wisdom for  self introspection.Indian culture has a very rich traditional wisdom.This wisdom allows us to worship water,sun,moon,forests,animals and soil.Now in 21 century we are talking about green economy.Under the flowing wind of globalization we have done number of activities to degrade our environment.
As it is rightly said by Suderlal Bahuguna that Ecology is the real economy.We are least worried about the sustainable development.India and few other developing nations have become dumping ground for electronic waste.Now the time has come to say good bye to all these harmful practices and to adopt good practices.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

How to stay healthy during summers?

How to stay healthy during summers?
During summers dehydration is common problem.
if you eat spicy food then there are chances that you may suffer from loss of appetite and indigestion.So during this season what we can do to save ourselves from summers? 
Here are few health tips to stay healthy during summers-
  1. Do not eat spicy food-oily and spicy food should be ignored during can try beans,carrot ,sprouts etc.
  2. Fruits-watermelon,cucumber,apple and tomato like juicy fruits can be included in your diet.If you are having kidney stones then avoid tomato.
  3. Drink enough water-during summers make sure that after every hour you should drink one glass of pure water.Cold drinks are not healthy for health so avoid them.
  4. Avoid overeating-Do not overeat during summers.You can eat in small amount after small breaks instead of having three meals in a day you can have four or five light meals so as to maintain the effectiveness of your digestive system.
  5. If getting heat strokes than do not forget to consult a doctor.

Breathing and Exchange of Gases

  Breathing and Exchange of Gases Table of Content What is Breathing and Respiration? Respiratory organs Human Respiratory System Mechanism ...